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When the Soul Forgets: two poems by Nolo Segundo

Abstract, streaks of purple, blue, and pink, bits of yellow, plus black threads intertwining, image by slowrabbit, on Pixabay, modified.

image by slowrabbit, on Pixabay, modified

The Delusionists


They cannot see

What a handshake means,

Nor why the nightingale sings

Yet they’re sure, certain

Their minds will ring true.


And when they discourse

On an empty universe,

They are sure their words

Must speak science, free

Of myth and hope and

Any sense of divinity…


They take a way of learning

And make it a way of knowing,

Scornful of right and wrong,

Contemptuous even of play…

They live in a world of only

Black and white, yet know

Not they are color-blind…


For life, all life, is radiant,

More variegated than any

Rainbow, more profound

Than any mind could be…

Life will never be caught,

Not in test tubes or words,

And never in our thoughts.








When the Soul Forgets


When the soul forgets,

We do what we regret.

When the soul forgets

We shrink and tremble,

Fearing him and her,

This and that, hating

All that is different,

Everything of the other.


When the soul forgets,

We march off to war.

When the soul forgets,

We leave love alone,

Shrinking ourselves into

Small hard balls of ice.


When the soul forgets,

We leave God alone, or

We smirk and mock Him.

When the soul forgets,

We poison life itself, as

We turn songs of peace

Into diatribes of hatred.


When the soul forgets,

We fall, first into the gray,

Then in time, we fall more

And more into the deep,

Deep blackness of hell…

And perhaps there your

Soul will at last remember

And call out, and call out.


If so, it will be heard—

It will always be heard...


Nolo Segundo, pen name of retired teacher (in America, Japan, Taiwan, and the war

zone of Cambodia,1973-74) L.J. Carber, became a published poet and essayist in his 8th decade in over 200 literary journals in 16 countries on 4 continents.

has published 3 poetry collections in paperback: The Enormity of Existence; Of Ether

and Earth; and Soul Songs. These titles reflect the awareness he gained when he had

a near-death experience over 50 years ago whilst almost drowning in a Vermont river.

(And no, his NDE was not of the "white light" sort but then his near drowning was not accidental; still, he is grateful for all of it.) 

November 2024 issue

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