image by "dakzxz" on Pixabay
Vivid Sunset
Like the spontaneous eruption of a volcano,
God’s handiwork splashes across the sky
In shades of violet, magenta, burning yellow,
Sunset reflects God’s silent eye.
From the voluptuous roar of waterfalls
To valleys and sturdy trees,
From painted purples of evening
To tangerine, ruby, and lemon morn, God sees.
From the rising of the sun
To the setting of the same,
The vibrance of His handiwork
Shall always remain.
“From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same
the Lord's name is to be praised.” (Psalm 113:3)
Marlene Mesot authors the 4 Elements of Mystery Series. Curiosity fuels her passion
for writing contemporary mystery and other genres. She shares her love of God, family, friendships, and animals with her readers. She is legally blind and moderately deaf due
to nerve damage at premature birth. Marlene has loved writing since early childhood.
November 2024 issue
Beautiful praise poem, Marlene. Glory to God!