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Two poems by Cathy George

Photo of a bird, a flicker, perched among small branches. The flicker has sections of gray, brown, black, and red, and its main body is tan and white with black spots, image by Scott, on Pixabay.

flicker, image by Scott, on Pixabay 

Green Grass



Horses grazed in the neighbor’s field.

Downwind silage wafted over hungry cow’s vociferous moos.


No one lived close enough to hear the mean voices

or the stick hit flesh in rage.


I told myself this must happen in every home—

because we kept winning the blue ribbon for best family at church.




Out my city apartment window

I watch children

cross the uncharted gap onto the clanging subway

step down slippery alleys

walk across honking traffic

wait in line for glazed donuts

each child’s hand held

by a larger hand.




Parents move to the country

persuaded green grass will raise good kids.

Neglecting that children will thrive almost anywhere

on love.







Consider the Birds of the Air



A hungry flicker

donning charcoal- and taupe-checkered morning jacket

aerates the spring grass


His long black beak topped in a red cap

peppers the earth foraging ants

in the bright morning light


I sift through drawers

finger hanging garments

fail to find fashion—


Oh! to wake

fine as a flicker

feathered in God’s glam.







(Scripture reference: Matthew 6:26)   


The Rev. Dr. Cathy H. George served as a parish priest in urban, rural,

and suburban parishes, and as a prison chaplain. Former Associate Dean

at Yale Divinity School, she is a graduate of Macalester College, Harvard

Divinity School, and Boston University School of Theology. Cathy’s published

work includes the book You Are Already Praying; Stories of God at Work

(Morehouse Publishing, 2015), The Stillness We Seek; Daily Devotions for

Advent (Forward Movement Press, 2015), as well as articles published in 

the Journal of Pastoral Theology, Anglican Theological Reviewand the

Yale ISM Review. She works as a teacher and consultant and writes poetry

and creative nonfiction.       

February 2025 issue               



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