gray sky, image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images, on Pixabay, modified
Trotting Away
Cracking neck and wrinkled arms
but strong and passionate feet,
her silent prayers give her strength
enough to keep ambling
from everything and from all
till she reaches the Cliffs of Moher.
Then her knees buckle under.
Turning around for the first time,
there’s nothing and not one soul
between her and the gray sky,
she decides to take the slow bus
from the Burren back to County Tipperary.
John Szamosi is a wordsmith and peace activist who has published several short stories, satire, and poems in print
and online magazines, including Satire, Saturday Evening Post, Readers Digest, 101 Words, 50-Word Stories, and
Six Sentences.
July 2024 issue
In this travel poem we travel from bleak to hopeful. I like this: "not one soul
between her and the gray sky."