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The Meaning of Forever: 2 poems by Mark James Trisko

Abstract art: a jar, looks like a milk bottle, white and browns, set on straw, background of browns and reds, image by Denis Azarenko, on Pixabay, modofied.

jar, image by Denis Azarenko, on Pixabay



“Youth is wasted on the young.”

George Bernard Shaw


If only I had known better

the last words

uttered by the innocent

the naive, the inexperienced


who didn’t know themselves

who had learned nothing

a missed opportunity

ignoring dreams and aspirations


living in fear of mistakes

capturing others in their dramas

precious time

invaluable, priceless


hours, minutes, seconds


lost forever

squandered, misspent


when we are young

we believe we have excess time

to waste, to throw away

on bad decisions


on petty squabbles

on regret, on mourning

what might have been

wishing for more time


to do it all over again

a pointless hope

impossible, unattainable

an unlearned acceptance


that we are human

taught, tutored

by life and aging

on becoming real


and when we are older

maturity and wisdom

granted to the experienced

loses its value


it depreciates, it lessens

when we are no longer strong

when our body has failed us

our hair has left our head


and travelled to our nose and ears

our skin has sagged and wrinkled

we are overweight, out of breath

shuffling from chair to bathroom and back again


it is then that understanding

knowledge, insight

becomes crushed

under the weight of aging


the vagaries, the caprices

of growing old

our grasp is forever lost

drowned out by deafness


confused by cataracts

smelling of old sweat

tasting of surrender

forgotten in memories



confidence, perception

is unfortunately found

not in our youth


which is wasted on the young

but when our body submits

and succumbs and collapses

badly timed, inopportune


a final irony

are we complete

have we concluded

not yet, we are still being made






The Meaning of Forever


“When I was a child, I talked like a child,

I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.

When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.”

                                                               (1 Corinthians 13:11)


When I was a child

I didn’t understand death

certain, inescapable

not just for me, but for everyone


death was foreign

unforeseeable, deniable

it wouldn’t happen to me

it was remote, distant


then, when I was eleven or twelve

playing with my cars

or sitting on the toilet or taking a bath

a whisper invaded my mind


if only for a brief second

and I heard the voice say

that my parents would leave me someday

they were going to die


that thought

a pinprick, a realization

was the saddest thing

a black ball in my stomach


a bright migraine light in my eyes

misery, despair

I ran into the living room

my father was sitting in his chair


where he always sat

where he was every night of his short life

and I jumped and sailed through the air

right into his wide-open, comforting arms


screaming and sobbing

broken-hearted, inconsolable

squirming on his lap

hugging his broad chest


begging him not to leave

my father didn’t understand

this momentous event in my life

he couldn’t understand the whisper


he held me and hugged me

loving, caressing

“I will be here with you forever”

and he shushed me until I quieted


“Why don’t I make you some warm milk?”

I tried to hold on to his lap as he stood

but it disappeared and I fell to the floor

I followed him to the kitchen


wiping tears and snot on my sleeves

rubbing my eyes with my tiny fists

I looked up at my father

standing in front of the stove


I knew there would be a time

when he would be gone

missing, departed

unable to hear his gentle, soothing words


I wanted to cry again

I wanted to sob and call out to him

but this time I was very brave

because I knew that was what he wanted


and I held my tears in my eyes

tough, determined

and I didn’t let them escape

I put on a courageous face


he looked back at me

I showed him a small smile

he poured the milk

I sipped the warmth into my belly


“Are you okay now, son?”

I wanted to shout that I was not okay

that I would never ever be okay again

I loved him more than anything


I couldn’t live without him

my world had broken

I was now forever changed

diminished, disfigured


but I couldn’t let it out

I would have to hold it in

strong, masculine

I gave a quiet nod of assent


and I saw him walk away

and again, I heard the whisper

it was then that I became a man

and learned that, on earth, forever has an end

Mark James Trisko has been writing poetry for a very long time, but after retiring recently,

he “heard his muses” yelling loudly in the night begging him to let their voices be heard.

His work is scheduled to appear in Valiant Scribe Literary Journal, Spirit Fire Review, and Amethyst Review. He currently lives in Minnesota, with his beautiful spouse of 47

years, four wonderful children, and eight above-normal grandchildren.

February 2025 issue


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