abstract, blue and gold, image by Annalise Batista, on Pixabay, modified
A New Life
August, 1957, your fast ended
When a boy of fifteen
Gave his heart to Jesus.
All that’s left is a grassy spot
And one old pine
But I’ll forever remember
The little white frame church
And the altar
And that young evangelist
Who cried out to God
For the lost.
The Beautiful Tears
She who would never cry
Nor show her soul outside
Wept like a lost child
In the farthest, darkest pew
For no reason that she knew
Her tears were cruel and bitter
She could not stop their flow
From the wounded heart of someone
She had yet to know
And God kept a silence
For his weeping, chosen child
And used her tears for healing
In His unfailing love
And thought them beautiful
And thought them beautiful
(First published by Penwood Review)
The Word
Let the words flow
From the pages into the hands
That hold the book,
Up the arms into the body
To warm the heart
And bring joy and light
To desolate regions
Of the soul
Like a visit
With your closest friend.
Robert Funderburk was born by coal oil lamplight
in his home near Liberty, Mississippi, graduated
from Louisiana State University in 1965, served as
SSgt in the USAFR from 1965 to1971. He now lives
with his wife, Barbara, enjoying the peace of home
on fifty acres of wilderness in Olive Branch, Louisiana.