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Pouring Salt: poems by Mary Harwell Sayler

Abstract painting, white oval object in a rather dark blue and green sky above a landscape of light browns and dark browns, image by edith lüthi, on Pixabay, modified.

abstract image by edith lüthi, on Pixabay, modified

Pouring Salt


Jesus said:

“You are the salt of the earth.” (from Matthew 5:13)



But if saltiness loses its flavor, how will we stay seasoned?

How will we keep from being tasteless? How will we avoid

becoming distasteful to others?



Every living thing needs salt to keep on living. Deer nestle

near salt blocks, and people settle by salt springs where beauty

grows. Roman soldiers got partly paid in salt, using salarium

to season their dinner, clean their brass, draw out infection,

preserve food. Salt softens the hardest water and melts ice.



Your blood, your sweat, your tears come highly seasoned

with salt, and so does everyone else’s. Remember this bond

with all living creatures—even oceans and estuaries—and,

we shall be tenderly seasoned.





Scripture references: Matthew 5:13, Mark 9:50, and Luke 14:34












The light

from the refrigerator door

overcomes the darkened floor

where I’ve been walking,

and I remind myself,                                              

light shall always extinguish       

darkness and prevail.


A gnawing—awakened

in the crest of my breastbone—

arrested me

from an unsound sleep.


Nothing sounds

but my husband’s breathing

in a far corner of the house.


Nothing sounds good enough

to eat at four a.m.

I fumble with the plastic wrap

on a flattened slice of cheese,

trying to be quiet and wondering why

a tightly capped cola went all flat.


A troubling conversation

comes back to keep me in poor company,

and the gnawing deepens, darkens,

waiting to distinguish

something not yet extinguished

by the revealing



Mary Harwell Sayler began writing poems in childhood but, as an adult,

wrote almost everything except poetry. Eventually, she’s published over

three dozen books in all genres including books of poems, devotionals,

and prayers. She also provides resources for poets and writers on her 

February 2025 issue



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