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October 22, 2021: narrative by Daun M. Wright

woman praising God, image by Barbara Jackson, on Pixabay

October 22, 2021

I'm on a train heading to Toronto, why? Who is in Toronto? The beat of my heart lives there, my child, my only child, the darling of my bosom, yes, you got it: Kristi. Her name means anointed one.

Father, my mind is in turmoil, my heart is uneasy, all these thoughts, Lord, still my mind and keep me focused on you that I can be the strength she needs to stand by her and with her in this season. I've always been strong Lord, you made me so, but when it comes to the child you blessed me with, I'm Weak! I become confused, my mind lacks clarity, and staying still is tedious, difficult, almost an unattainable task.

Mothers and children from the womb have a bond that is unbreakable, no matter what the external relationship looks like. It can sometimes be tumultuous, challenging, trying, sweet, endearing, humbling, exhausting, emotional, and rewarding. All of those things wrapped into one. It's hard to express what I'm feeling right now. I reminded Abba today how He purified my womb and prepared it to nurture, carry, and give birth to my Precious and I thanked Him for it. That He could see me through my mess and make me a message

by making me a mother. That God could hold me in such high esteem that he awarded

me one of the most powerful and impactful roles I, even me, ordinary old me, could play.

If we could only get a glimpse of how our Creator views us, it would bring us to our knees, in total worship and abandon. The only thing stopping us is the limitation of our finite mind, the inability to grasp His infinite love for us. A love that knows no boundaries, one that loves us despite, a love that has no requirements, no qualifications, a love that is founded in Agape, the highest form of love that exists, but You, God, have this love for me and the child, adult now, woman that I birthed. It is this love that You are graciously allowing me to experience and that same love assures me that Kristi will be fine and will testify of Your goodness! What a journey this is, Lord. What a journey! You do whatever you need to do, to protect your seed. Kristi is my seed!


Daun M. Wright is a podcaster, public speaker, and freelance creative writer. As a content creator, she delivers inspirational writing for an audience. She is a member of the International Women’s Writing Guild (IWWG) and earned her Bachelor

of Arts degree, focused in Political Science and Government, from Ryerson University. Daun lives in London, Ontario, Canada.



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