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Nominations for Best of the Net anthology!

Artwork: floral, swirls of blossoms, leaves, vines, green and gold, some black and cream, a little bit of orange, image by Aberrant Realities, on Pixabay.

image by Aberrant Realities, on Pixabay

Congratulations to the following writers and artists who have been

nominated by Spirit Fire Review for the Best of the Net anthology!

Mary Eileen Ball for poetry "Dust to Dust." (July 2023 issue of Spirit Fire Review)

Sally Rosenthal for poetry "Another Kind of Prayer." (Oct. 2023 issue)

Ron Riekki for poetry "When I was twelve, I'd walk home from school." (Dec. 2023 issue)

Kate Copeland for poetry "At the beginning of leap year." (Mar. 2024 issue)

Adesina Ajala for the poem/song "Clap Hands." (Mar. 2024 issue)

Michael Zysk for the sonnet sequence "More Stream Than Stone." (Mar. 2024 issue)

Angela Townsend for nonfiction "The King's Cord." (July 2023 issue)

Evalina Flory for nonfiction "Words from the Cross." (Mar. 2024 issue)

Michael Shoemaker for photography "Flash Flood Waterfall." (July 2023 issue)

Laura Deschenes for photography "Sunrise." (Dec. 2023 issue)

Michael Moreth for painting "Unfaltering." (Dec. 2023 issue)

If you'd like to learn more about the Best of the Net anthology,

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