fuchsia, image by jorgland24, on Pixabay
Welcome to Spirit Fire Review's newest issue! I'm excited that half of our contributors to this issue are new to us, and half are those who have published with us before!
Please believe me when I say we are so happy to "meet" new contributors and to welcome back those who have previously graced this journal with their creativity.
Why are people creative? God has made us in His own image (Genesis 1:26-27), to love, to worship Him, to be creative, to glorify Him with all that we are.
As Joe Bisicchia (one of those new contributors I mentioned) writes in one of his poems included in this issue, "Let us be what we are made to be."
What Love Can Be, by Joe Bisicchia
Bread Haiku, by Kim Deslaurier
Harvest, poems by Mark Weinrich
Living in a Dry Land, poems by Nolo Segundo
Where Saints Dwell, by Therese Kosterman
An Angel at the Door, by Adiela Akoo
Vespers and Old Gates, poems by Lyndi Waters
Seeing Angels Everywhere, by Nolcha Fox
An Affair with Love, poem by Michael H. Brownstein
Choice, a haiku by EG Ted Davis
Benediction, two poems by Carol Farnsworth
Round Trip, poem by Ernie Tamminga