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Morning Song: Three Poems by Mark Weinrich

Psalms, image by G Johansen, on Pixabay


Bird songs pipe, chime,

their prelude breaks the veil.

I wonder when I close

my eyes the final time,

will I awake to music?

Perhaps to psalms

as Jesus sang

that last Passover night

before He died.

I hope when spiritual ears

first hear, that Jesus’ voice

will ring as on that night,

when His disciples heard

what I have longed for

all my life. I will hear and see

and rise in praise…



From every opened flower

the fragrance fresh,

one seed has shared its life

by facing death.

Beneath the soil its withered

form gave birth

and burst the earthy tomb

to garden light.

From wrinkled husks transformed

to verdant wings.

Spring’s miracle of green,

a sacrifice.

And multitudes, amazed,

remember Christ.

One Seed has faced our death

to give us life.

(Previously published in LIVE, March 2005)



I find contentment

being a gentle storm

passing bed to garden bed.

Earthy sweetness

freshens desert air.

A whip-tailed lizard

waits his daily anointing.

A hummer darts within the spray

hovers for an iridescent instant.

How she rainbows my day!

It is hard when I reach

the last plant, the last bed;

like a good book

serenity has hemmed me in.

I don’t want to stop or start again.

I linger in the peace

and echoing waves…of life

springing up.


Mark Weinrich is a cancer survivor, a retired pastor, gardener, hiker, and musician. He has

had over 420 poems, articles, and short stories published in numerous publications. He has sold eight children’s books and currently has two fantasy novels on Kindle.



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