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Long Storms: poem by Cody Adams

Photo of storm clouds, dark gray, white, and some patches of blue, photo by Cindy Bousquet Harris.

"Storm1" photo by Cindy Bousquet Harris

Long Storms

When these rain clouds tire

of beating the cheer out our chests, when

this gray mass melts at last,

our current eternity

will seem a damp shadow

barely visible, a lightning bolt


quick as it came.

Salvific spears of light

hurtle toward us even as we

shiver, as we shudder this frail

prayer, drenched.


Cody Adams is an English teacher from Buffalo, NY. His poetry has appeared in Ekstasis Magazine, Three Line Poetry, and Cacti Fur, among others. He received the 2016 Clarence Amann award for his short story “Unstuck.” He also serves as a board member for Forefront Festival.

October 2023 Issue



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