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Even Then: three poems by Casey Mills

Photo: a bowl of potato salad---sliced potatoes with various seasonings and garnishes, possibly onions and parsley, e.g., image by Sina W, on Pixabay.

potato salad, image by Sina W, on Pixabay

Even Then



ah good friend

remember the weeping

when cheeks puckered to the touch

illusions that we would ever be saved

drifted through fingers

like harmless bumblebees

shining black sunlight

off their wings


remember the talking

step by step through

your suburban streets

speaking of Jesus sandals and

the women we were spending time with

the thought of being saved

never crossed our minds

happy as we were

in summer oblivion


now, these days,

salvation, old friend

is all I think about

in fact

I think about it

even when I’m not

I’ll ask anyone, anywhere

what it takes






Church Picnic



we were beneath broad-leafed trees

in stunning summer heat

nothing was going as planned


my daughter, eye rolls of boredom

my wife clearly waiting

for this meal to mercifully end


and me, vastly nervous

speaking with a sweating man

about church and sports and anything


yet still between bites

of questionable potato salad

strange echoes of peace pervade


nowhere else we have to be

just the slow rolling rhythm

of sabbath on a Sunday


what did you say your name was?

ah, and now I am somebody

to both you and myself


and the trees must be miserable

but we are cool so

this becomes the plan all along


to sit among these saints and keep

trying to pry the lid

off these rusty boxes that hold us









when the winter moon hits

on my religion

may the cracks revealed

be relinquished

to the one and only God

showing His face

through the clumsy joy

we have built


Casey Mills writes poems early in the morning while his kids sleep and

the birds wake. He lives in Northern California next to a creek he enjoys

spending time with. His poetry has been published in Heart of Flesh,

Amethyst Review, Ekstasis, Solid Food Press, and elsewhere.

February 2025 issue



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