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Cherished Daydreaming: poem by Edilson A. Ferreira

collage, faces from Pixabay

Cherished Daydreaming

Sitting by the road’s edge, I watch life go by.

I see men, women, old and young people.

They carry in their faces their realities and, beyond,

I try to imagine what really lead them to move on,

but cannot be seen: their well-kept secrets and desires,

their high esteem, their own motto, their ego.

They are striving to be individuals,

rather than simply one more.

Sometimes I see even myself,

mixed in the crowd, perhaps a little lost,

but firmly believing to be on the walk too.

I feel we are all connected in an invisible web

and hope that each of us will reach,

at their own time, the promised land,

that Canaan where milk and honey spill

and evil never finds shelter.

Previously published in Poetry, Poetics, Pleasure Ezine


Edilson A. Ferreira, 77 years, is a Brazilian poet who writes in English rather than in Portuguese. Widely published in selected international literary journals in print and online, Mr. Ferreira began writing at age 67, after his retirement as a bank employee. Nominated for The Pushcart Prize 2017, his first poetry collection Lonely Sailor, One Hundred Poems was launched in London, in November of 2018.

He is always updating his works at:

August 2021 issue


Aug 29, 2021


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