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A New Genesis: poem by T.P. Bird

Abstract art:
splashes of bright blue, light turquoise, and orange, with diagonal streaks of black, image by Raheel Shakeel, on Pixabay, modified.

image by Raheel Shakeel, on Pixabay, modified

A New Genesis


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;

the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from

God. Who reconciled us to himself through Christ.”

—2 Corinthians 5:17-18


“you have . . . put on the new self, which is being

renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.”

—Colossians 3:10


In the beginning, Christ—the image of the unseeable

God—created the heavens and the earth, the place

of Adam’s habitat, now the place of my own dwelling.


How amazing to know . . .


that by his favor and gift of faith alone, I am a new

creation in Christ, a new self, wholly astonished to

think that within me is a new Genesis—an individual

creation story—a new beginning—full of endless



How amazing just to think that . . .


reality came forth from the mind of God—space,

time, matter and energy entering in the briefest of

moments. As the Spirit hovered over the waters of

Genesis—he hovered over my spiritual dullness.

                                                 As he spoke in love

to the unimaginable void, he spoke to my deaf ears and

                                 quickened my deadened spirit.

Out of the formlessness, emptiness, and darkness of

my heart’s sinful confusion, he brought forth life: truth,

goodness, and beauty—all made known to my harassed,

orphaned soul.


                        And like the chaos of the newly formed

earth within the expanding cosmos—the turmoil

of my fallen existence is passing away within me in a

mighty act of holy transformation.


Yet, it’s even more amazing to know that I am

a small foreshadowing of the age to come: heaven &

earth combined—our new home—God & man together—

eternal life and divine love the everlasting bond of

                                               joy between us all.

T.P. Bird has been published in a number of journals and is the author of

a chapbook as well as four full collections.The latest is A Loose Rendering

(Golden Antelope Press). In addition, a full collection, Upstate Trilogy, is

forthcoming sometime in 2025 from Wipf and Stock. Bird is a retired industrial

designer and minister. He lives with his wife, Sally, in Lexington, Kentucky.

February 2025 issue



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