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Three Poems by Bobbi Sinha-Morey

Updated: Nov 30, 2020

dates and peaches, image by AllNikArt, on Pixabay

(dates and peaches, image by AllNikArt, on Pixabay)

Put a Little Love Away

Behind the box of sun-faded

tissues quiet as a lamb light

seeps under the blinds,

the honey of the sun warming

the floor in my room, my eyes

still only halfway open, myself

barely, gently coming to life

like an envelope steamed carefully

open. I feel the thumb of God

graze the soft curves of my heart,

letting in a drop of wisdom to

brighten my spirit when I peered

at the skies, and it nudged me

to put a little love away knowing

there's nothing so vulnerable

unless it's your heart to be lifted

on a grey day. A seed of hope

grew inside me so patiently, and

I knew God had meant it for me,

less saddened than I used

to be, peace spilling over inside

my home, joy sprouting all around



A Hint of Sunset Remains

Even before spring began

a mustard field was in

bloom, a grassy path

beyond it that tickled my

nose where I loved to lie

down. It smelled delicious,

and I'd bury my face in it

to breathe in the green,

tangy scent, lay there in

a sanctuary only God

could give, my daydream

to breathe in the sweet

summer air of His gentle

light, a lull in time in all

the godlike stillness

when only a hint of sunset

remains before the day



The Morning So Ripe

The hum of wind is here,

its sweet aria I've heard

before come to visit me

again, a feather blowing

from heaven in its descent,

the sky's patience blushing

before me, the hands of God

holding my world a little

more firmly; and in all my

heart I've longed for days

like this, the morning so

ripe, the taste of rich dates

on my tongue.

Bobbi Sinha-Morey's poetry has appeared in a wide variety of places such as Plainsongs, Pirene's Fountain, The Wayfarer, Helix Magazine, Miller's Pond, The Tau, Vita Brevis,

Cascadia Rising Review, Old Red Kimono, and Woods Reader. Her books of poetry are

available on Amazon and her work has been nominated for Best of the Net and the Best

of the Net Anthology Awards hosted by Sundress Publications. Her website can be located


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