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Poem by Hiromi Yoshida

Updated: Jul 31, 2021

drops of water, image by Sue Rickhuss, on Pixabay

The Robin

Sunglinting wheel of whirring wings—

the robin bathes in the shallow pothole’s muddy water,

the storm’s pock-marked consequence. Jeweled

droplets drip from wing

tips and beak, continuous whir of frustrated wings—

till it decides to fly away over glistening rooftops

toward invisible bodies of water—

horizons dripping storm-washed promises.

Hiromi Yoshida has been recognized as one of Bloomington, Indiana’s “finest and most outspoken poets,” and was a semi-finalist for the 2018 Wilder Series Poetry Book Prize.

Her poems have been published in literary magazines and journals that include Indiana

Voice Journal, The Indianapolis Review, Flying Island, The Asian American Literary

Review, Anima Magazine, and The Rain, Party, & Disaster Society. Hiromi loves to contemplate the oddities of life, such as mismatched buttons, abandoned houses, and birdsong in thunderstorms.


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