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A Poem by Leroy Ralph Abrahams: "Lord, only You can..."

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Lord, only You can... Turn my pain Into power Makes things in my life sweet That's gone sour Who can provide for me Like You did for Elijah Because You are my Jehovah Jirah Turn my sadness Into laughter And are able to keep it that way Ever after Be with me like You've been with Daniel and the three Hebrew friends And bless the works Of my hands Fill me with the patience That Job had And even reconcile Me with my dad Protect me like You Protected David from Saul And use me like You Used Paul To do or achieve anything I don't need an army or clan Because, Daddy God, I believe with You, I can

Leroy Ralph Abrahams

Leroy Ralph Abrahams was born in Helenvale, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. He were raised by his mother and grandparents. He never knew his father. He attended school at Fontein Primary School and Chapman High School. Leroy got involved with gangsters and drugs and also ended up in jail, and as a result ended up sleeping in toilets and on the streets. He later met Eileen, got married to her, and they have three children. By the grace of God his life was transformed. In 2015 he discovered his gift for writing and in 2016 his first anthology, " Verse en Inspirasie " was published and launched by Milborrow Media. His poetry also graces the pages of an online magazine called Glomag in India. His second anthology was published by Poetic Productions and launched on the 28th of July 2018. He has a passion

to encourage young and old and visit the sick at hospitals and pray for them. He so wants to work in communities, permanently trusting that God will fund him and look after him and his family.

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