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Two Poems by Peter C. Venable: "I’m Just Passing Through This World" and "On David&#3


“I’m Just Passing Through This World”

A soul steeped in Christ, eyes closed the last time,

Left this broken world to soar above.

He preached across continents in his prime—

Praising the Savior’s boundless love.

His message was stark and sharp: The Bible says . . .

Today is the time to decide!

Examine with fear, your hearts and your heads.

Christ’s cross shall draw you to His side.

And me?

Who heard him once in Chapel Hill,

“Reason to Live” was his refrain and plea.

I still feel a chill and a thrill.

For Christ Is the same—then, now, forever—

Because for us He sacrificed

His life, and promised that He’d never,

Never, ever leave His children. Now is the moment to decide.

“Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”

(2 Corinthians 6:2b)

On David’s Psalming

The Lord sought a man after his own heart, *

Anointed this Jew “Commander-in-Chief.”

We pity David—how he fell apart—

Plundered a man’s wife like a cunning thief,

Then had that man slain. David paid in grief.

Still, He inked psalms with praise, and loved the Lord.

Yet, due to his crimes, no rest from the sword. **

There is an old sin that shadows my life.

The pain of it cuts my heart as a knife.

Still, I ink praise in meter and verse:

In our Lord’s stream, I wade and immerse.

*1 Sam. 13:14, **2 Sam. 12:10

Peter C. Venable

The writer has written both free and metric verse for over fifty years. He has been published in Ancient Paths, Time of Singing, Windhover - A Journal of Christian Literature, The Anglican Theological Journal, Apex Magazine, Kingdom Pen Magazine, and others. But poetry is merely a hobby; he is a retired clinician, volunteers at a prison camp, seniors’ center, and food pantry; sings in the annual December Messiah, and is graced with a happy marriage, daughter, son-in-law, granddaughter, and Yeshua.

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