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A Poem by Edilson A. Ferreira: "The Missed Deadline"

The Missed Deadline

The magazine my wife reads has launched,

by the Mother’s Month, a writing contest.

A married woman should report works

and troubles on raising her children,

showing the drudgery of everyday life.

To the winner, an unpriced diamond ring.

Brilliant writer, surely confident in her pen

and in her extreme love for our three sons,

soon she started the writing.

Then, there was a lot of school homework,

the babysitter left the service

and our youngest child has become ill.

Today, the work still incomplete,

she missed the contest deadline.

I’m rightly concerned one diamond ring

will wrongly adorn some mother’s hand.

Edilson Alfonso Ferreira

Mr. Ferreira is a Brazilian poet who writes in English rather than Portuguese. Recent works have appeared in Red Wolf Journal, Right Hand Pointing, Creative Talents Unleashed (Featured Poet), Indiana Voice Journal, The Lake, Young Ravens, Whispers, Every Day Poems, Dead Snakes, The Basil O’Flaherty (Featured Poet), among others. Ferreira lives in a small town with wife, three sons and a granddaughter and, unhurried, is collecting his works for a forthcoming book. He began to write at age 63 (nine years ago), after retirement as a Bank Manager. See more of his poems at

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