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Two Poems by JD DeHart: "Promise" and "Rock"



I can’t promise you

that where you go will

be easy

that there will be a comfortable

chair, kind people, or a system

that works

what I can promise, because

it has already been promised, the promise

not being mine but the Father’s

is that where you go the Kingdom

of God will be – this is the strange mystery

of the indwelling

that heaven is in the everyday present,

and we are all invited to be a part.


Scripture says,” Lead

me to the rock that is higher

than I am.”

Be it so.

Do not allow my

own tethers and the prison

of my own design to capture


I am no creature to be netted,

preferring the role of the eagle.

Rising above.

JD DeHart

JD DeHart is a writer and teacher. DeHart blogs about his faith at and also posts reviews and interviews at

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