The Voice Within
There is a voice that never stops speaking,
no one hears it, but me.
It talks to me wherever I am,
but at the solitude of night and alone in my room,
it is better heard.
Never ceases to say there has been an angel,
special envoy of our Lord, always protecting
and looking after me, since I was a child.
Every year I live,
I am learning more and more to understand
and decipher all messages passed to me.
The voice says that my mission still persists
and I have all the means to accomplish it.
It says that past misdeeds, stumbles and tumbles
have happened for nothing more than to give me
all strength and confidence that I am now able.
So I believe and cannot doubt anymore.
The mission I can never fail to do is the simplest
one creature must fulfill for his Creator, that of,
always and everywhere,
praise Him.
A Brazilian poet, Mr. Ferreira, 73, writes in English rather than Portuguese. Largely published in Literary Journals, he began his literary life at age 67. Ferreira lives in a small town (Formiga – MG), with wife, three sons and a granddaughter. His first Poetry Book, “Lonely Sailor”, is scheduled for publication in 2018 by Olympia Publishers, London, UK. Has been nominated for The Pushcart Prize 2016.