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A Poem by Kai Coggin: "Good Friday"


good friday

this morning

I am going to focus

on the sun

how it paints

the leaves in bright yellow

before it settles

into sky

a chipmunk

just ran by my window

and perched in a tiny bucket of sand

before I could photograph him he was gone

a million baby birds

might have been born this week

because all of the trees outside are singing

have you seen the wildflowers

that have fought their way up through the earth?

the stream is still making its way to the ocean

and will not stop spilling over into


what isn’t beautiful?

it’s good friday

and not good in the way that good means death

not good in the way that good means

let’s kill another prophet

but good because there is still good

on this planet

at least

in the circle

I have made around me here

at least for now

at least this morning

Kai Coggin

Kai Coggin is a queer Filipino-American poet living in the valley of a small mountain in Hot Springs National Park, AR. She received her B.A. in English, Poetry, and Creative Writing from Texas A&M University. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Assaracus, Lavender Review, Calamus Journal, Blue Heron Review, Yellow Chair Review, and elsewhere.

Kai is the author of two full-length collections, PERISCOPE HEART (Swimming with Elephants, 2014) and WINGSPAN (Golden Dragonfly Press, 2016), as well as a spoken word album called SILHOUETTE (2017). Her poetry has been nominated twice for The Pushcart Prize, as well as Bettering American Poetry 2015, and Best of the Net 2016.


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