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Haiku by Martina Robles Gallegos

Teacup garden


Four-time survivor

of blood trapped in arteries

but body is free.

Her sight almost gone

yet her spirit keeps going strong

with love in her heart.

Tends to her garden

as a mother would her child

and thanks for blessings.

Wants to sell her trees

just in case God calls her home

her trees will be loved.

Does not really think

she'll be leaving much behind;

was sitter to all.

Was better mother

and grandmother to many

children she cared for.

Great loss she will be

but will always be around

in every garden.


Martina Robles Gallegos

I was born and raised in Mexico and came to the United States at almost fifteen. I spoke no English.

While recuperating from a work injury and stroke, I resumed a Master’s degree and completed it from Grand Canyon University. I’d picked up writing again during my initial recovery. Some poems have been published in the Altadena Poetry Review: Anthology 2015, Hometown Pasadena, Silver Birch Press, and Somos en Escrito.

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