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Two Poems by Ken Allan Dronsfield: "Respite", and "Song of the Garden Chimes"

Sea, sky


Face, a wrinkled rustic tan

eyes, clouded faded blue

tattered, old yellow raincoat

stands, watching the sea

dog, spying hungry gulls

his boat, sits needing care

ocean, claims yet another

clouds, billow and race away

waves, crest and roll to land

memories, fade upon twilight

inhales, now become shallow

voices, gently call him home

ascend, that great stairway

effortless, steps taken to HIM

beyond the Moon's dark side,

his spirit, in respite rises higher.

Song of the Garden Chimes

Steal away at moon rise,

starlight kisses weary eyes,

you will find your spirit drifts

upon warm spring breezes.

Songs from garden chimes

play sonnets on a Sprites harp

whispering in shaded scarlet

directly into my wanton heart.

Ocean of grass gently sways

by granite walls Robin's dance

enchanted orbs rise from trees

as squirrels give hearty chase

the Raven sits and just watches

a twilight sky envelops my soul.

Your love keeps my heart smiling,

stars flirt above garden chimes.

Ken Allen Dronsfield/Spirit Fire Review

Ken Allan Dronsfield is a published poet who was recently nominated for The Best of the Net and 2 Pushcart Awards for Poetry in 2016. His poetry has been published world-wide in various publications throughout North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa. Ken loves thunderstorms, walking in the woods at night, and spending time with his cat Willa. Ken's new book, "The Cellaring", a collection of haunting, paranormal, weird and wonderful poems, has been released and is available through He is the co-editor of the poetry anthology titled, Moonlight Dreamers of Yellow Haze available at A second anthology, Dandelion in a Vase of Roses will be released soon.

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