Who composed this cosmic puzzle
sifting through dark dominions
from the empty before?
What ignited the blackness
with swinging lanterns of fire
through that longest night?
When did time begin careening
on its urgent journey to shake
something out of nothing?
Where is the mind who forged
such astonishing starbursts
hammering beacons of light?
Why did shadows turn to
brightness...the glory of
our sun becoming golden?
How can heaven be silent
while blue jays meet in concert
under mounds of sterling clouds?
I am as bare as a winter tree,
my heart waits, eternal spring in me.
God please hear my lonely plea
so that I might trust in Thee
and look upon all lovingly,
bending to your will humbly.
Then my life becomes to me
a precious gift to offer Thee.
© Joan McNerney