Needles and Pins
Pins & Needles
not in my hands, feet
or body but in my spirit.
I open my eyes, I am wound up
with a tortured soul.
Who will be captured, grabbed
or snatched next?
I am afraid to witness
another lynching.
Oh, something is coming,
coming through my Spirit.
I begin to hum an
unknown Negro spiritual
and I walk and wave my arms
throughout my home
and I moan from deep within.
Then I see a proud Black woman
from back in the day and the
Holy Spirit carries her
with a quiet dignity
and I heard His whisper, you will
not be stripped of your humanity,
and she treads on needles & pins.
I witness her pleasant face, her grace
I dry my bitter tears
from streaming down my face - our souls are
tied together. Though she can’t
see me, I am she and she is me. We
represent and reflect then and now
still living in fear. How do we reconcile?
How do we save our kind, our kin, our skin?
Jesus, I know you have shown righteous
anger, with the money changers.
Jesus, I am laying this bundle of trouble
this excessive burden of my people at the
foot of Your cross.
This battle is wickedness and pure evil.
I know your humanity and also your
Like that woman, yes I can walk
with a quiet dignity and maintain
my humanity because of Your identity.
Holy Spirit, You are my witness
As I tread, on needles & pins.
Pins & needles, Jesus, I know you will
FIX THIS! Because only You can calm my soul
You are - the Light of the World.
© Elizabeth Brooks