Celebrating God's Goodness through Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, Visual Art, and Music

Seedtime and Harvest

Best of the Net nominations from Spirit Fire Review

New Issue of Spirit Fire Review! July 2023

The King's Cord: nonfiction by Angela Townsend

Dust to Dust: a poem by Mary Eileen Ball

The Day I Remembered My Soul: personal narrative, plus poems, by Nolo Segundo

Watermarks: two poems by Maria Justa Polotan

Reconciliation Room: poem by Phil Flott

Forgiveness over perfection: poems by EG Ted Davis

Authentically Showing Up: personal narrative by GraciAnn Hicks

Two poems by K.G. Munro

Visiting the Sick: article by Michael Shoemaker (plus poems and photography)

The Last Song: four poems by Robert Funderburk

Beauty of the Mystery/La Beauté du Mystère: poem by Roodly Laurore, translat. by Jerrice J. Baptiste

Still Waters, Living Water: poem by Janice Canerdy

Tuesday Tips: Read in front of people? Me?

New Issue of Spirit Fire Review: March 2023

Glimpses of the Cross: nonfiction by Jessamyn Rains

Two poems by Ryan Keating

Poem and visual art/poetry: by Mark D. Stucky