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Celebrating God's Goodness through Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, Visual Art, and Music
New Issue of Spirit Fire Review! March 2022
fuchsia, image by jorgland24, on Pixabay Welcome to Spirit Fire Review's newest issue! I'm excited that half of our contributors ...
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What Love Can Be: poems by Joe Bisicchia
tulips, image by stux, on Pixabay Our Gestalt Perfect we are not, yet somehow we are. By grace. See good Lord’s mercy and forgiveness,...
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Bread Haiku: 3 haiku by Kim Deslaurier
fresh-baked bread, image by Kim Deslaurier Bread Haiku Baking bread my prayer Thanksgiving and praise to God for all of His Love * Rising...
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Harvest: poems by Mark Weinrich
Harvest Sunset, photo by Mark Weinrich HARVEST SUNSET Cotton dust hovers in the west Texas sky. Dust that sparks and flares, igniting...
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Living in a Dry Land: poems by Nolo Segundo
Sahara dust, image by Qlug, on Pixabay Quintessence of Dust [With a nod to the Bard] We are the moving dust, we are the breathing dust,...
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Where Saints Dwell: poem by Therese Kosterman
bubbles, image by ddimitrova, on Pixabay The Leap Is Where Saints Dwell Concrete tables wrapped in primary colors and a happy birthday...
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An Angel at the Door: by Adiela Akoo
cottage, image by ractapopulous, on Pixabay An Angel at the Door On this night, while we were crying, an angel was at the door, seeking a...
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Vespers and Old Gates: poems by Lyndi Waters
gate, image by Monika Baechler, on Pixabay Vespers and Old Sticky Gates Praise for the moment I pushed the right button on the blue tooth...
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Seeing Angels Everywhere: poem by Nolcha Fox
grocery store, image by Tariq786, on Pixabay Seeing Angels Everywhere Sally swears and crosses her heart, she sees angels in unlikely...
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An Affair with Love: poem by Michael H Brownstein
i image by Sofia_Shultz_Photography, on Pixabay, modified An Affair with Love They were not a young couple with a love of lust, but...
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Choice: a haiku by EG Ted Davis
EG Ted Davis' poetry has appeared in various online and in-print literary journals and in miscellaneous Christian publications. Image...
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Benediction: Two Poems by Carol Farnsworth
cup of coffee, image by omilk339, on Pixabay Bells Bells mark our lives. A ringing phone with news of a new birth, bright rattle to make...
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Round Trip: poem by Ernie Tamminga
mountain landscape, Image by Free-Photos, on Pixabay Round Trip And when I see what the Hubble has seen: the ultra-deep field, I fall in...
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