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Celebrating God's Goodness through Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, Visual Art, and Music
Tuesday Tips: Can You Teach an Old Poem New Tricks?
(dog, sleeping, image by jevansch, on Pixabay) Can you teach an old poem new tricks? Let’s say you have a poem that’s been around a...
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Tight Bud Waiting to Unfold: Essay by Lynda McKinney Lambert
(butterfly, photo by Lynda McKinney Lambert) “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it...
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Simple Attention: Two Poems by Madlynn Haber
redstart bird, image by Wolfgang Vogt, on Pixabay Simple Attention The ordinary, very usual, almost unnoticeable calls my attention....
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Poem by EG Ted Davis
wood texture, image by Lars Nissen, on Pixabay I saw and I wept I saw an image of Christ today— carved out of wood in a crucifixion...
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Three Shells in a Bowl: Poems by Juan Pablo Mobili
sandy beach, image by axe20, on Pixabay The Crickets The crickets from the afternoon shift are livelier than they’ve been in a long time,...
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Morning Song: Three Poems by Mark Weinrich
Psalms, image by G Johansen, on Pixabay MORNING SONG Bird songs pipe, chime, their prelude breaks the veil. I wonder when I close my eyes...
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Haiku Meditations: by Kim R. Deslaurier
river, image by Kim R. Deslaurier river's destiny something greater than itself we are all called forth ______________ Minnows Sparklers...
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Living Water: Two Poems by P.C. Venable
car, image by Selim Geçer, on Pixabay Living Water Another tropical storm from the gulf bullies through Carolina. Dreary deluge,...
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Prepare: a poem by Cindy Bousquet Harris
(waterfall, image by Mannilei, on Pixabay) Prepare Prepare for blessings, prepare for beauty, prepare for God’s mercy and compassion, His...
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