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Celebrating God's Goodness through Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, Visual Art, and Music
Poem by Connor Orrico
Home & Here Please bring me home: I would rather be with You than here, Jesus. I will not go until You let me. I will not let go ...
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Two Poems by Bruce Mundhenke
Water of Gladness May the love of the Lord, And the beauty of His creation, Become a river and a stream, That they may flow through...
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Poem by Cindy Bousquet Harris
pink lotus flower, image by Free-Photos, on Pixabay Another Way of Blooming Response to writing prompt by R. Soos, on Poetry Super...
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Three Poems by Bobbi Sinha-Morey
(dates and peaches, image by AllNikArt, on Pixabay) Put a Little Love Away Behind the box of sun-faded tissues quiet as a lamb light...
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Three Poems by Juan Pablo Mobili
(lemon tree, image by photosforyou, on Pixabay) Losing Your Parents Their loss is always news even if you’ve written heartfelt elegies...
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Poem by Matthew Andrews
Forgetting How easy it is to feel a cold wind dancing across the length of your arm and forget the force of the flames, the blistered...
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"Found" Poem by John C. Mannone
Gargantuan Universe birthed from the mouth of light That light found the entire sky one supermassive window of darkness the individual...
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