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Celebrating God's Goodness through Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, Visual Art, and Music
Spirit Fire Review Issue #15 Including Best of the Net Announcements
Spirit Fire Review Issue #15 Including the Best of the Net Announcements.
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Testimony/Essay: "A Way in the Wilderness"
A Way in the Wilderness Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the...
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Photography by Fabrice B. Poussin
Fabrice Poussin teaches French and English at Shorter University. Author of novels and poetry, his work has appeared in Kestrel,...
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Two Poems by Bruce Owens: "Untitled" and "A Psalm"
Untitled There was a hymn in the night clouds in the sky sailing like great ships and the moon was full, ablaze with light. The entire...
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Two Poems by Joan Leotta: "Incendiary" and "Persistent Night"
Incendiary So many small lights banishing night. Beeswax, white Small, lit column by row In round burnished copper holders melts into...
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A Poem by Elizabeth Brooks: "Crystal Tear"
Crystal Tear Have you ever been in bed awake in awe over someone or worry with wonder until daybreak Have you ever had a tear that welled...
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A Poem by Ken Allan Dronsfield: "Into Discovery"
Into Discovery When you have risked it all just to have a taste. When you have feasted on victory, and swallowed defeat. When you've...
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A Poem by Veronica Michalowski: "Sinker 4-11-2017"
SINKER 6 year-old neophyte angler begins his journey after daybreak surf fishing with his Father vacant beach Jersey shore steadies the...
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Two Poems by Edilson Afonso Ferreira: "Praise" and "Gratitude"
Praise In cathedrals and churches, abbeys and convents; in the small chapels on the top of the mountains; in pilgrimages and spiritual...
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Two Poems by Peter C. Venable: "I’m Just Passing Through This World" and "On David
“I’m Just Passing Through This World” A soul steeped in Christ, eyes closed the last time, Left this broken world to soar above. He...
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A Poem by Leroy Ralph Abrahams: "Lord, only You can..."
Lord, only You can... Turn my pain Into power Makes things in my life sweet That's gone sour Who can provide for me Like You did...
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A Poem by Cindy Bousquet Harris: "The Name"
The Name Name so holy, none could speak, nor hope to venture near. Astounding, that the awesome One would choose to meet us here. To...
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