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A Poem by Veronica Michalowski: "Bonnie 5-29-2017"

Wix Photo


You begin like the rest of us

an egg, a sperm

join in the womb

soft, safe.

Cells duplicate each

hour of the day

differentiate into

organs, bones

plasma, liquids.

Conceived in autumn

born in July

two awaiting parents

four sisters

one brother

large extended family.

We have time

to prepare

welcome you home—

bassinet ready

pastel knitted


cotton dressing gowns

hand-embroidered bibs

glass bottles


We pamper you

feed, change you

hold you, sing

watch you sleep.

But you are in our lives

for a greater purpose

we do not perceive.

When you

suddenly leave

you give us a gift

greater than yourself.

At your very young age

you teach us all

how to survive

the death of one

so fragile

so near

so new.

Written about her youngest sister, Blanche Mary Michalowski

July 14, 1955—July 19,1955


Veronica Michalowski

A graduate of California State University, Fullerton, I received my B.A. and M.A. in Fine Arts, Design and Photography.

My career focused in the fields of ideation, branding, marketing, merchandising, packaging and display design, having created for such firms as Microsoft, Epson, Canon USA, Neutrogena, Crayola, Calaway Golf, Geoffrey Beane, Sunkist, Mattel, as well as many California wineries. I have built and worked with outstanding design teams and received both national and international recognition, many awards and acclaim for exceptional design, including two CLIOs.

Interspersed with this creative work has been a contribution to the educational field, having taught fine arts at California State University, Fullerton as well as Riverside City College, Mount San Antonio College, Laguna College of Art and Design.

I continue to design and paint, travel, read everything and write often, especially poetry, do crossword puzzles daily, love to cook, savor fine wine, collect fine art and antiques.

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